black and red typewriter

Use Chat-GPT to turn a testimonial in a compelling story to use in you marketing pieces

In marketing stories matter and in this post you will learn how easy it is to let Chat-GPT turn a testimonial in a compelling story to use in you marketing pieces. This is an example of the power of a complex prompt where you give Chat-GPT enough information to do something in one go. You…

a woman in plaid blazer smiling while doing handshake with the man in blue long sleeves

Why marketing and sales are the most crucial skills to have as a business owner

Most business owners are experts in their field and think that is enough, but you are not doing a job anymore as a business owner! You will be wearing many hats and doing most of the “jobs” essential to run a business, and marketing and sales are crucial aspects of running a successful business. Understanding…

How a small business can use a CRM to improve sales

How a small business can use a CRM to improve sales

Customer relationship management (CRM) can make a big difference in improving sales in small businesses. A CRM system is a software tool designed to help companies to manage interactions with their customers and potential customers. By using a CRM, small businesses can improve their sales process by providing better customer service, identifying new sales opportunities,…

Here is a proven strategy for small business success

Here is a proven strategy for small business success

Small business success results from hard work, dedication, and a well-planned strategy. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, some key strategies have proved to help small businesses succeed more than others. Over the years, while working with clients and my companies. I came up with what works better so far and prepared a detailed explanation…

The Best Investment You Can Make In Your Business in 2023

The Best Investment You Can Make In Your Business in 2023

Hiring a Business Coach: The Best Investment You Can Make for Your Business in 2023 Starting and running a business can be daunting, especially in today’s ever-changing and fast-paced environment. With so much competition and uncertainty, having someone in your corner who can provide guidance, support, and expertise to help you achieve your goals is…

Business coaching

Why most business coaching will not help your business.

Finding the right business coach can dramatically improve your life and your business, but you must take the time to vet them properly. Take the time to research different coaching programs to see which one is best for you. Many business coaching programs will not give you meaningful results. Unfortunately, many of today’s business coaches…

Profit From Your Ideas Tutorial

How to start a business with no money

‍Starting a business from nothing is a challenge. Even successful entrepreneurs with years of experience and financial backing struggled to get their businesses off the ground. With no personal savings, loans, or other financial support, you’ll need to be creative and resourceful to get your business going. How can you launch a profitable company with…

How to build an empire

How to build an empire

So you have started a business, you did everything right and it’s growing. It doesn’t depend on you to function anymore. Now what? The obvious step is to start a new one since you have now acquired the skill, it should go faster. But wait there are other ways to build your asset portfolio. Acquisitions,…